My wonderful parents-in-law visited over Labor Day weekend and spent the entire time doing home improvement projects on our new house. (Are we great hosts OR WHAT!) One of those projects involved painting the nursery this peachy-cantaloupey color (chosen by me, so be nice). It's very pretty in real life, I promise.
When they weren't mowing the lawn or desperately trying to make the nursery walls ABSOLUTELY PERFECT so that their moody, pregnant daughter-in-law would not freak out, Ben's parents checked out our new town (which they had visited many times before we moved here, actually), did some birdwatching, and enjoyed Chinese food with us. It was a nice visit. Oh, and there were chairs: we now have Ben's BEAUTIFUL wooden high chair (our girl will be the third generation to fling mashed-up banana from it!), and Ben's folks bought us a ridiculously comfortable (and pretty) white Shermag rocker/glider for the nursery. So nice!
We still aren't fully unpacked, because we haven't established our storage and shelving solutions for the studio (and for our ungodly number of books) yet. So almost all of my studio stuff, and absolutely all of our books, are still in boxes. And, you know, looking at those boxes inspires pain, but not as much pain as actually putting up shelves.
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