Friday, November 23, 2007

Re-living Thanksgiving

It's Friday morning, and Ben and I are already relishing the
leftovers of last night's breathtaking vegan Thanksgiving fete.
Here's what we made! If you want a recipe, leave a comment.

Homebaked bread!

Ben's sweet, cinnamon-y yams. I had some for breakfast today,
with strong coffee: my favorite post-Thanksgiving breakfast.

Mushroom stuffing made with homemade bread. Dreamy.

I pickled beets for the very first time, remembering Gram, who
pickled them (& hard-boiled eggs!) every Christmas and Easter.

Hello, welcome to Mashed Potato Mountain.

Giant tub of mushroom-onion gravy! Hecks yes!

Ben invented this savory almond-breaded tofu dish,
a new holiday favorite, on Thanksgiving morning.

We heart fresh green beans.

My fella makes a truly heavenly, melt-in-your-mouth
pumpin pie.


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