Since classes resumed a few weeks ago, weeknight dinners have been like nightly hit-and-run accidents in our kitchen. We still cook like mad and use good ingredients and enjoy the result, but the Process becomes a little less joyful when Ben and I are both exhausted and hungry at like 7 PM. So, we've been cooking a lot of our old, quick standbys, like this and this and something similar to this.
Our bentos haven't suffered, though, because they're quick to assemble from the store of savories and salads we whip up on the weekends. Above, clockwise from top left: grapes and orange slices, ginger-peach muffin, vinaigrette coleslaw, and falafel with tahini sauce. Below: couscous salad with roasted eggplant and red pepper, grapes, chocolate-chip banana muffin, and black bean patties with fresh tomato and spinach.
falafel can never be bad :)